People drawn to schools with pricey tuitions seem akin to people who dress in only brand-name clothes; it may look and sound flashier, but it basically serves the same purpose.
It is buying brand-name clothes at the best possible price.
They weren't wearing any American brand-name clothes, and the man you shot in the throat was mumbling in German as he was dying.
He also carries more brand-name clothes than Wal-Mart.
He wore brand-name clothes, worked out at a gym and took classes in the martial arts.
Federal officials said that the workers' children were often held hostage to insure that the parents would continue stitching together American brand-name clothes.
The prisoners had been forced to stitch together American brand-name clothes under threats of death if they tried to escape.
Manufacturer's overruns plus some very good brand-name clothes that have slight imperfections-you'd never notice.
Some of her choices stretch a tight budget even tighter: she refuses to live without cable television and brand-name clothes for her son.
He was a meticulous dresser who wore nice shoes and brand-name clothes like Tommy Hilfiger or Polo.