Shipping container thefts usually target higher-end products, like electronics or brand-name clothing, which are easy to move on the black market.
These clothing chains were dissolved in the 1980s as brand-name clothing became more readily available at competing retailers.
Web sites even permit shoppers to examine, in fine detail, the button design, stitching and fabric weave of brand-name clothing.
Home-grown products have higher profit margins than brand-name clothing - 2 percent to 8 percent more on average - because they cut out a middleman.
This is also probably your best bet for Western brand-name clothing and travel accessories like money belts and rucksacks.
Tell me Mojo, when your kid got snatched by the aliens, was he wearing any brand-name designer-label clothing?
Older children often feel disappointed that they can't have the video games or brand-name clothing they're accustomed to.
That, he said, is exactly what the "buyers," the brand-name clothing companies, are doing.
She buys brand-name clothing from the manufacturers and shows them to people in their homes or offices.
It remains a huge outlet for contraband, like counterfeits of brand-name clothing.