"It's inevitable there would be skepticism about a brand-new product," he added.
It's an interesting thing what's happening with tailgating: you've got brand-new products, then turn-of-the-century products like coffee thermoses to position, but it's not only for coffee.
When he finally dies, they can turn him into a brand-new product: Here Come de Judge Pocketbooks.
The company focused on both brand-new products and evolutionary improvements to its standard product line.
Reciting a list of brand-new products that could maximize my performance.
Ultimately, and as with so many brand-new products like this, we're going to have to wait and see how consumers respond.
Advertising movies before they open is crucial but tricky, since each film is essentially a brand-new product with no identity in the marketplace other than its stars'.
"We had to pretend a customer was having a problem with a brand-new product," Mr. Khan said.
It's the beginning of the peak season, we have a brand-new product and prices are really good.
They started off with a brand-new product that they introduced in 1970: Clorox 2 all-fabric bleach.