A very big, brawny fellow and his mates are out to do harm to my young friends, here.
The cop, a brawny blond fellow named Sawyer, had me repeat what had happened and show him the scene of the crime.
But with lightning speed the brawny fellow stunned him with a blow on the chin.
The orderly, Paul, a brawny fellow who had gotten his muscles in a blacksmith's shop, was on guard.
The brawny fellow next to her smiled and introduced himself as Snake.
They were both big, brawny fellows, with grim, stolidfaces.
He was a large, brawny, muscular fellow whose clenched fist looked fit to fell on ox.
They were dark-bearded brawny fellows, a little shorter - though not much - than Fafhrd.
The brawny fellow strode up to me and regarded me closely.
The brawny, black-eyed fellow stepped forward and extended his hand.