He already had a visitor, a young man who was also something of a paradox, being inclined to the brawny type, yet sleek in manner.
Dennis, now, he was a brawnier type than his brother, and more apt to look a mile down the road instead of where he was standing.
A broad, brawny type wearing a gray jumper and a broad expressionless face, the guard was not one to waste words.
He got a big brawny hairy type carrying a stack of teevees under his arm, half a dozen twenty-inch sets almost an inch thick.
Coddington says, conjuring up an image of brawny blue-collar types with grease under their fingernails.
So he's not exactly the brawny outdoor type.
It would be interesting to learn if there were any conflicts on set between both Reeves and Scott but they work well together and both play vastly more interesting personalities than their usual brawny types.
The boat club countered this by stating that 'women's rowing is not full of brawny Amazonian types who develop terrific shoulder muscles' but includes varied physical types from a wide variety of departments'.
Mr. Helvenston, another brawny type with a chiseled jaw and ruggedly glamorous smile, spent 12 years as a Navy Seal, enlisting when he was 17.
This brawny type just dumped it through the door of the police station and started away.