The bread ration for a day was only 10 dekagrams (less than a quarter pound).
The bread ration was 200 grams per person.
The bread ration had already dropped from 2,200 to 1,800 and then to 1,400 grams per week.
On September 27, another decree reduced the number of people entitled to bread rations.
At the end of March 1917, it was announced that bread rations were to be reduced.
Their bread ration was reduced to less than a slice per day, and then was stopped completely.
He stated that the daily bread ration would be increased from 200 grams to 280 grams.
Sometimes he was placed on a lower bread ration, but rarely as a direct result of his actual transgressions.
To bring this about, when you get your bread ration, don't hoard it.
Surviving prisoners would stack the dead in the corner and eat their bread rations until the guards noticed.