The cover editorial advocates breaking Microsoft into two or three competing operating-system companies and an applications company, which would encourage innovation without harming interoperability.
The joint state-federal plan calls for breaking Microsoft roughly in half.
I had no idea they were going to propose breaking Microsoft in two.
The joint federal-state plan calls for breaking Microsoft into two separate and competing companies.
Several economists would go further and break Microsoft into three companies, each selling Windows and, perhaps, applications programs as well.
Hence the wisdom of Judge Jackson's structural remedy, breaking Microsoft into two separate companies, one selling the operating system and the second focused on other applications.
Late last month, the Justice Department and 17 state attorneys general asked a federal judge to break Microsoft into two companies.
On Friday, the Justice Department and 17 states asked a federal judge to break Microsoft in two.
The Department of Justice does not need to break Microsoft apart.
USA Today reported today that government lawyers appeared to have reached a consensus to break Microsoft into at least two and perhaps three companies.