In making public appearances the Princess again broke custom, maintaining her dedication to music.
I have broken neither law nor custom, and you would do well to follow that example.
He had done so with fifty men looking on, and without breaking any law or custom of the Red Cats while doing it.
It is most unlike Enimhursag, of all the gods there be, to break custom.
It broke custom enough for her to see him immediately after First Rites; alone would be too much.
During a court function, Hannegan broke custom and kissed the hand of the queen.
Having broken custom so far, it will be easier to break it further.
He must have had some reason - one does not so easily break custom.
Break custom or make Roshnani-and his other wives when she was through with them-furious at him?
It was wrong to take wetlanders, but I cannot believe they will break custom that far.