She provided a new way for her executive customer to dress, a less tailored style that broke definitively from the past.
"I told them you need to break with the past more definitively and open up the archives in the Ministry of Interior," Mr. Gati said.
He believed that modernism did not break definitively with the past but was on a continuum that included American artists.
Mr. Kikhia broke definitively with the Government and defected, living in New York and Paris.
Convinced that Fighter Command was now close to defeat, he also tried to force air battles between fighter planes to definitively break British strength.
In May 1536, Reginald Pole finally and definitively broke with the king.
Mr. Torrente definitively broke with the Falange in 1962, signing a manifesto in opposition to Franco regime policies.
At the Hôtel Tassel Horta definitively broke with this traditional scheme.
But the show comes roaring out of the gate with 'Do-Over', a show that definitively breaks the premiere jinx.
Moscow has empowered Svyazinvest, Russia's No. 2 telephone company after the state-owned Rostelekom, to develop competing long-distance and international services, thus definitively breaking the Soviet-era telephone monopoly.