But no country is going to call for a breakaway organisation (or boycott for that matter)....
Mayo is best known for being the leader of the Advanced Ability Center, a breakaway organization of the Church of Scientology.
These punishments are still given today if there is a suspected joyrider, but by the Continuity IRA, a breakaway organization from the Provisional IRA.
Some of these programs are explicitly religious, while others are breakaway organizations which disagree with the policies of the BSA and GSUSA.
In the wake of the 1973 Supreme Court decision that made abortion a constitutional right, these doctors formed a breakaway organization.
In 1988 these elements formally split from the party to form a breakaway organisation known as the Communist Party of Britain.
It resulted in the formation of a breakaway organisation in 1890, the National Amateur Rowing Association, whose clubs could draw their membership from all social classes and occupations.
Some of the breakaway organizations have thrived as independent parties, some have become defunct, while others have merged with the parent party or other political parties.
From 1973 onward, the monthly magazine was under the direction of a breakaway organisation, the Brixton-based Race Today Collective.
In 1983 a number of Appaloosa breeders opposed to the registration of solid-colored horses formed the American Appaloosa Association, a breakaway organization.