This has the dual advantage of lowering media breakdown rates and preventing impregnation of foreign materials into the surface.
In March 1938, the German Army marched into Austria, experiencing a mechanical breakdown rate of up to thirty percent.
Complex formulas existed in obscure pharmacology references involving the metabolic breakdown rate and body dispersion quotients for just about every drug in the world.
The cars it received suffered from extreme unreliability and unacceptable breakdown rates.
The T-64 was criticized for being too mechanically complex, which resulted in a high breakdown rate.
This table shows the (decreasing) biological breakdown rate as function of the redox potential.
Again, proper training and resources are need to tackle the horrendous 20 - 30% breakdown rate.
New dollars were spent on maintaining our 40-year-old voting machines, and the breakdown rate dropped.
In practice the engine did not deliver the expected power, and was unreliable, estimated to have a 90% breakdown rate, but improvements were introduced to address this.
The breakdown rate wasn't as bad as anticipated.