Its scientific mission is to make breakthrough discoveries that lead to improved human health.
In honor of this breakthrough discovery , let's take a look at how a praying mantis works.
Everyone in the episode acts as though this is a breakthrough discovery, and a chance to find out what life was really like in 1996.
So the breakthrough discovery of a hormone in the pancreas that allowed those children to continue living normal lives was exciting.
A scientist working on a breakthrough discovery finds herself being stalked.
Kimbel had appealed to her on the ground that there'd been a breakthrough discovery, and he and his team needed a few more weeks.
Some people were expecting a breakthrough discovery in that respect last Saturday, but that didn't happen after all.
Since its foundation the ICR has made a number of breakthrough discoveries.
Dana-Farber has a long history of breakthrough discoveries in cancer care and research.
Astronomers express confidence that the breakthrough discovery will be made in the next decade, particularly if they get some new Earth-orbiting detection tools.