Without illusions, hard and clear as crystal, she rode at the day with her breast bared.
When Marie Rose was tucked into a fresh gown and swaddled, Abby settled in the rocker, bared her breast for that tiny, hungry mouth.
And then she stood there, breasts bared and perfect, plump and firm, swelling toward me like some forbidden fruit of Eden.
He glanced up at her, one breast bared between them.
Menelaus advancing, red-faced, breathing hard- Helen on her knees, pale face lowered, paler breasts bared.
Her torso occupied the center of the stone-of the moon-her breasts bared to view and hanging slackly.
As he treated and bandaged her wound, she had looked on him most oddly, stripped to the waist, breasts bared, unabashed.
She sat up, shifting the child easily to the other breast, leaving her gown open, the one breast bared.
I having been lying there with only a sheet half drawn over me, my breasts bared to the sun.