Any render applied to a wychert wall must therefore be of a breathable material - rendering wychert walls with a lime based render is therefore common practice.
Experts note that only "breathable" materials - paints and plasters that allow moisture to escape from the wood - should be used.
Mechanically weak in structure, buckyballs would have to be overlaid on some sort of breathable supporting material to give a filtration device the necessary bulk and shape.
GEOX is an internationally recognized Italian manufacturer of shoes using waterproof and breathable materials.
Indigenous people from around the world have used canvas as a natural breathable material, with suitable properties for use in the elements.
The uppers should be made of breathable materials with a hard, reinforced area at the toe to protect against stubs.
Some aircraft pilot survival suits are constructed of a breathable material that allows water vapor to escape but prevents liquid from entering.
Membrane dry suits may also be made of a waterproof and breathable material to enable comfortable wear when out of the water for long periods of time.
We started mixing materials - meshes and breathable materials and special types of Gore-Tex and laying them on top of each other.
Waterproof breathable (hard shell) materials are waterproof and somewhat breathable.