Breathing fast, the girl crept back to her place before the screen.
Unless- In a space of seconds, he began to breathe faster.
He followed the direction of her gaze and started breathing faster.
She was breathing fast with the heat and fury of her philosophy.
He was breathing fast, and Jessie suddenly felt sorry for him.
She held the rubber tight to her face and breathed fast.
People may breathe faster or need to take deep breaths.
She walked quickly toward the elevator, head lowered, breathing fast.
Susie's eyes got very bright and she was breathing fast.
From the rise of her square shoulders, he could see that she was breathing faster.
Junior found that he was breathing fast and sweating even harder.
He was breathing too fast and the pits of his eyes were wide.
She sat unmoving, breathing fast and shallow, trying to focus her mind.
She was breathing fast and had a bright spot of colour in each cheek.
Breathing a little fast for a sleeper, but not disturbingly so.
But he had closed his eyes, breathing fast and shallow under the fever.
He was breathing a little too fast and despite the cool afternoon breeze could feel sweat breaking out on his brow.
If you begin to breathe very fast or become lightheaded, slow your breathing.
When he came trotting in, breathing a little fast from the run, she smiled at him.
If you begin to breathe too fast or feel lightheaded, slow your breathing.