She started breathing loudly through her mouth, in and out, trying to build a rhythm and control the pain.
Breathing loudly, she brushed a stray lock of white hair from her forehead.
He stared, breathing loudly through his nose, hardly seeming to blink.
Both men were breathing loudly, but it was Orlando's lungs that did not seem to be filling all the way.
I would not like to be alone where no one else breathed loudly in the night.
Rooney released the big man and stood up, breathing loudly.
Mr. Trelawny breathed loudly, as though a strain had been taken from him.
He was still breathing loudly, with difficulty, a nerve at the side of his head beginning to race.
The Emperor got to his feet, slowly and clumsily, breathing loudly with the effort.
Emerson, now fully restored but breathing loudly through his nose, pulled himself to a sitting position.