It remains a breathtaking experience each day.
Far away, in the Ohio River valley, another startled pair had an even more breathtaking experience.
The splendid view from the fort is a breathtaking experience and also includes a marvellous but small marble temple.
It made this team's post-season dominance, its 11-1 run, a breathtaking experience for those lucky enough to be part of it.
So, finally we went on this exciting hiking tour through Mohan's office & had some most breathtaking experience.
My breathtaking experience was in for a bit of a letdown.
It was a breathtaking experience, and he must call his uncle and share their combined triumph.
Julia and Robin climb aboard a helicopter for the breathtaking experience of heli-yoga.
But catching the first hint of the sun's orb was a breathtaking experience.
Seeing mountains actually move before your very eyes is quite a breathtaking experience.