And television audiences might recall him as the handsome blond guy in blue jeans in a Gap ad last summer in which he leaps and twirls with breathtaking skill.
Indeed, other stuntmen, many of whom learned their skills from him, praised Mr. Saunders's often breathtaking skills.
And they use their camouflage, their defensive feints, with breathtaking skill.
The film has been written, directed and acted with breathtaking skill.
Other international sides were similarly smitten by the innate, breathtaking skills of the Fijians in whatever guise, national or district, they appeared.
I lie, with my usual breathtaking skill, and assume a fake mantle.
Being out of the field so much these days, he sometimes forgot the breathtaking skill with which indigenous people maneuvered in their native terrain.
Within five minutes he had disarmed his opponent with breathtaking skill.
Partly it is her engaging stage persona, partly the aura of prodigy that still clings to her, partly her breathtaking skills.
Giggs in extra time ran the length of the pitch and scored what The Times reporter Oliver Holt described as "a goal of breathtaking skill".