The link between indoors and out is breathtakingly simple.
The Fair model of voting behavior, first published in the May 1978 issue of the Review of Economics and Statistics, offers a breathtakingly simple view of Presidential elections.
The something else, when it finally emerged, was breathtakingly simple though fraught with danger.
It sounded breathtakingly simple.
The 30,000-year-old cave paintings of France have astonished art historians with their realism and technical proficiency, yet the explanation is breathtakingly simple: the animals mattered more to these artists than anything else in the world.
The idea was breathtakingly simple.
Like all great discoveries, it is breathtakingly simple.
The device is breathtakingly simple and powerful.
He noted that what Coleman and Stewart did regarding the band "is breathtakingly simple, but none...has ever done it before.
The solution Weitzman proposed was breathtakingly simple: make some part of what workers are paid a function of the company's fortunes.