The Chinese respect for dragons is emphasized in Naomi Novik's Temeraire novels, where they were the first people to tame dragons and are treated as equals, intellectuals or even royalty, rather than beasts solely bred for war in the West.
But whether it does or not, his actions at CNN clearly mark the end of an era where all decisions went through people bred solely in a culture of journalism, longtime staff members said.
The production of "PMU foals" from pregnant mares bred solely for their urine production (used in the making of the drug Premarin) is also widely condemned due to the frequency with which the progency of such breedings are shipped directly to slaughter.
Few people can speak the language of the Hosts (which is referred to only as Language) as it requires the orator to speak two words at once; those who can are genetically-engineered linguist twins known as Ambassadors, bred solely for this purpose.
In the meantime, the Zentradi began to be affected by Earth's culture, an irresistible force for a race bred solely for war.
Breeding for the production of meat helped to safeguard the Auxois breed by keeping its gene pool intact, but also transformed the previously powerful breed into one bred solely for weight - the main consideration in pricing at slaughter.
For this novel, he envisions a platoon of servicemen created from the DNA of human beings, born as physical adults and bred solely to fight.
Aberth killed an animal from the herd we bred solely for sacrifice, white cattle with black muzzles and thin, upright manes on their necks.
The sabino gene (possibly a gene complex), is generally unpredictable, so breeding solely for body white marks can be difficult.
Dung beetles for introduction to Australia needed to breed solely in dung and with no other food sources so as to avoid the species' becoming pests in other habitats and to eliminate the possibility that they would avoid cattle dung altogether.