They are known to breed through the year but mainly during the rainy season from March to September.
They breed through the year and may have two broods, but mainly during the monsoons.
The birds build nests in tall trees and breed from April through July.
The practice of breeding a mare through human assisted means, with no contact between the stallion and mare.
Depending on the species and local conditions, pocket gophers may have a specific annual breeding season, or may breed repeatedly through the year.
Carrion birds circled above, following the movable feast with patience bred through thousands of generations.
Animals bred through traditional techniques are not patentable.
It is generally resident, breeding throughout the months of September through March.
The village originated as a Sámi settlement, who bred reindeer during summers through the end of the 16th century.
I was born here, bred here through all the generations back to the first prince to rule the Desert.