We're threatened by terrorism, bred within failed states, it's present within our own cities.
The age of maturity is uncertain, but females probably breed within a year of birth.
Over 100 species of birds breed, nest or rest within park boundaries.
On one estate, three owls bred within 50 m of each other.
It bred an immense feeling of self-respect within every man in that office.
Twenty-three species of dragonfly and damselfly breed within the site.
It has ceased to breed in several parts of its former range within Britain.
Sexual maturity is reached at 10 months, and the females usually breed within the first year.
Besides, about 42 bird species breed within the garden, although this number is declining and was 62 before 1952.
Buying and selling, faces, the color, the light, the stories that breed within it, its spirit.