It has been subject to some captive breeding effort and its stocks are in better shape.
Subsequent breeding efforts to improve upon the dog's natural good looks were rewarded with increased popularity.
Current breeding efforts are focused on the alpaca, white zebra, giraffe, and giant eland.
As a result, the new breeding effort would not call into question the legal standing of the Florida panther on the list of endangered species.
As a result they were cross bred with Idaho pygmy rabbits and subsequent breeding efforts have been more successful.
As we consider the implementation of smart breeding efforts in the future, we might ask, who will have access to nature's reserves of genetic diversity?
Male western toads breed every year; females breed at less regular intervals, depending on individual condition and previous years' breeding effort.
While individual breeding efforts can produce useful results, the bulk of tomato breeding work is at universities and major agriculture-related corporations.
It is not a naturally occurring breed, but originates from human-controlled breeding efforts.
Both the habitat preservation effort and the captive breeding effort would have been cheaper and more likely to succeed if they had been begun earlier.