A fresh cool breeze turned chilly as the sun dipped below the edge of vision.
As they walked on, the breeze turned to wind and danced merrily over sea and rock.
The seas had gone steep in a matter of minutes and the light breeze had turned into a full-blown gale.
Be prepared for summer rain and remember that Alpine breezes turn cool in the late afternoon.
That alien sun was setting; those enemy stars were popping out in all their incredible number, and the breeze had turned cold.
The warm breeze turned into a cold wind.
The moderate breeze turned suddenly violent, lashing leaves and dirt into the air.
The breeze had turned, and he heard no more of the men in the wood, though their fire still burned.
A 68-knot breeze had turned the yacht into a bullet train on water.
The breeze from the vents turned cool, and I relished the tickling of the curls against my face.