The voice predicted breezy conditions and a light chop - nothing threatening - but we preferred a calmer mooring.
This results in a narrow temperature range, evenly spread rainfall, low levels of sunshine, and often breezy conditions throughout the year.
It can also form due to the lifting of advection fog during breezy conditions.
Wind resistance:no complaints, even in the breeziest conditions.
"My goal was to get a lot of errors out of him, because it's breezy conditions," Agassi said.
She also had six birdies and just one bogey under slightly breezy conditions.
These instructions include applying the correct amount, and not applying the pesticide near water or during breezy conditions.
Naturally breezy conditions control vine vigor, creating lower yields of grapes with greater intensity.
The hour did not seem to matter, and the breezy, cold conditions did not keep fans away.
Gray skies, breezy conditions, high humidity and cool temperatures prevail.