For Gordon Waycroft was a man of intuition, the sort who could note any symptoms of brewing trouble.
Whatever the reasons for brewing trouble in the bedroom - whether emotional or physical in nature - the good news is that many such problems are easily treated.
Senate Foes United In the Senate, there is also evidence of brewing trouble on the missile compromise.
Not that taking elven form and brewing trouble wasn't a standard game for the Kin-tricks of that kind were fine if you were an ordinary dragon.
Even so, the two will probably ally themselves against brewing trouble in China, Russia, and the Islamic states.
Margo gained the impression that "somebody" was The Shadow, and that Allard intended to inform him of the brewing trouble.
Now we have all seen still another case of the sky-fold brewing trouble.
Randall asked, approaching the group by the rail with a master's concern for brewing trouble.
The third is that of all the world's cauldrons of brewing trouble, none is bigger than Asia and few can boil over faster.
This involves brewing trouble for the Terran Empire wherever he can.