He left the brick company and there after made his living in automobile sales.
It is also the only brick company in North Dakota.
In 1914 McFarren was approached by a syndicate that had the idea of starting a brick company.
By the middle 1960s the brickyard manufacturing operations ceased and the site became a distribution facility for the brick company.
By 1914 it had a brick company, a newspaper, numerous stores and gins, two banks, and a population estimated at 700.
Prior to the park, St. Johns brick company operated just a block away, until 1905 when the factory ran out of clay.
Numerous brick companies began to pop up after the iron furnaces went out of blast.
Another woman, Emilia Prochaskova, said she was investing in the brick company where her husband works.
The brick company operated six schooners to carry its products across the lake.
Soon, trading companies, banks, brick companies, a brewery, and fisheries moved into the area.