The brick designs, tiling, pictures and big stone dadoes are among the architectural features of the building.
Held in typical Victorian red brick design, most was built by architect Alfred Waterhouse between 1872 and 1887.
The brick design patented in 1973.
The interior has a simple brick design, whilst the exterior is of knapped stone with a stuccoed tower.
It has been noted that the traditional wooden houses are generally more earthquake-resistant than modern brick designs, although they are more vulnerable to fire.
Because of the brick design on its chimney, it is also called the Horseshoe House.
The interior is in simple, brick design with high vaults and brick piers and marble columns.
The building's brick design was chosen to reflect a fairly prosperous railroad in a small division point during the late nineteenth century.
The Professional Quarter is of more traditional brick design and includes professional clients including Handelsbanken.
The brick design of the station was built with bricks from nearby Port Murray, New Jersey.