There was brick manufacturing at the site.
Its past is rich in cotton farming and brick manufacturing - two products of the area's dark, clay-streaked soil.
The local economy is based on a diverse range of industries including agriculture, tourism, wine production, gold mining, brick manufacturing and meat production.
Especially at Gleinstätten these deposits have long been exploited for brick manufacturing.
He had interests in lumbering, ship building, stock raising and brick manufacturing.
He learned the trade of bricklaying and later engaged in brick manufacturing.
Other unorganised economic sectors include dairy, poultry farming, brick manufacturing, casual labour and domestic help.
He started with running two businesses in brick manufacturing and biscuit production before venturing into building construction together with his brothers.
Apart from coal, Batu Arang was also known for its brick manufacturing.
Other industries included brick manufacturing, a flour mill, and commercial fishing ("Meota Whites").