While to some, that might sound patriarchal, the bride and her friends don't see it that way.
Should the bride and groom not see each other the night before the wedding or even before the ceremony.
No sooner did the bride see this than she jumped up from her seat and tried to pounce upon the mouse.
But inside, it was altogether charming, and the happy bride saw no fault from garret to cellar.
The bride didn't see the ring until Wednesday afternoon's ceremony.
When other brides saw the picture, they asked her to replicate the dress, this situation was what launched her career.
Ulster and his bride had seen Europe.
His 17-year-old bride, Elizabeth, however, sees the new jail as a sinister place.
There's a family tradition that no bride may see the room until she comes to this house after her marriage.
Their commitment certificate hangs on the bedroom wall, where the bride sees it every day.