Morgan was a bridge tender on the bridge during the 1950s.
The bridge tender could not leave the bridge and remained in the control house for three days.
The local's members include bridge tenders, hospital employees, school guards and city lawyers.
A short time later, the bridge tender tried to turn the span to make way for the oil barge, but it would not open.
The bridge tender, a state employee, was trapped in the control booth located on the raised lift span near the south end.
A man came out of the bridge tender's hut and lowered the bridge.
The bridge tender's report was based on a radio call from the train conductor, and there was confusion about exactly where the accident had occurred.
It was built around 1835 at the same time as the canal, to house the bridge tender.
The house was built in the 1830s as housing for the bridge tender and his family.
Two people died: the bridge tender and the bridge electrician.