This type of overhead crane has one end of the bridge mounted on a fixed pivot and the other end carried on an annular track; the bridge traverses the circular area beneath.
A small bridge traversed the roof, and housed the temperature and humidity registers, rainfall gauge and radiation counters.
One bridge, at the highest tier, traversed the chasm, but no doubt it would be heavily guarded.
The conditions obscured visibility on a race course that featured steep, rock-strewn trails hugging precipitous cliffs and primitive bridges traversing swift, glacial rivers.
The Roman city of Argentomagus was located in the Mersans plateau of central France, at the strategic point where a Roman bridge once traversed the River Creuse.
The bridge thus now traverses a navigable shortcut between the Thompson Bay part of Lake Havasu south of Pittsburgh Point, and the remainder of Lake Havasu to the north.
Several smaller concrete bridges traverse over the East Don River (with one larger bridge on Eglinton Avenue near the DVP) northwards towards city limits at Steeles Avenue.
The equivalent Roman name was "ad Pontes" ("at the bridges") implying that there was more than one bridge and it is believed that these bridges traversed Church Island.
The Roman name for Staines was "Pontes" (plural bridges) implying that there was more than one bridge and it is believed that these bridges traversed Church Island.
At Sip Avenue a bridge traverses the former Pennsylvania Railroad Jersey City Branch cut.