Not so zombie-like as in some of your, ahem, exceedingly brief communiques.
After meeting for seven hours, the sides broke late tonight, issuing a brief communique saying that the 33 vacant seats will be contested June 18 together with the other runoffs.
Brooke read the brief communique and crumpled it in her fist.
Since Diana's death, the royal family has issued only two brief communiques.
In a brief communique, the ministers "expressed their view that the result" of the French vote "will ease tension in the foreign exchange markets."
General Duperval's position had been in jeopardy for several days before a brief communique announcing his departure was issued this morning.
In a brief communique, the Government press agency said the General and the Cardinal discussed the proposed changes of the economy "and linked with it necessary social and political reforms."
In a brief communique after the meeting, the officials gave no clear indication of whether Germany had agreed to lower its interest rates further, as many countries have pressed it to do.
In August, Marcos sent eight brief communiques to the Mexican press, published from August 20-28.
"This just in from the Bayerische, sir," a tech handed a brief communiqué to Lambert.