The definitions, brief but clear, contain example phrases.
At only 120 pages, it listed 2,543 words along with very brief (often single-word) definitions.
The brief definitions here are intended to serve as a quick reference rather than an in-depth discussion.
Braid elaborated upon this brief definition in a later work:
After that, Clive will give them a series of brief definitions for some of the words that were on the wall.
The champion (or player to the left) chose the word and the celebrities provided a brief definition (without an accompanying story).
It contained roughly 2,500 words, each matched with a synonym or brief definition.
Following are brief definitions of several of the more prominent speech disorders:
I would like to give a brief definition of counterfeit and pirated goods.
Under each heading is a brief italicized definition of the condition, followed by a detailed discussion in ordinary Roman type.