The brief demo that we saw showcased a battle between the two premiere forces of the Halo universe: the humans and the Covenant.
Keefe brought along lead guitarist Paul DiGiovanni, with whom he had recorded a brief demo, to complete the line-up.
Anyway I asked him about the 'Touchscreen PC' he was playing with and after a brief 5 minute demo I am amazed that this OS has been released.
Using friends, they produced a brief demo and began shopping it to multimedia publishers.
I took a peek around the discs and found there were a lot more files than there needed to be for such a brief demo (one level set in Las Vegas).
There are 25 audio tracks in total on the CD, the hidden tracks were brief demos and were never used in-game.
BioWare also presented a brief demo of Wrath of Heroes at Gamescom.
While my brief demo didn't tire my arms, I could definitely see wanting to rest the unit on a table or my lap if I were playing for a long period of time.
Despite the site's brief demo, the idea seems hard to pin down, but the ambition is to leave behind the material world of the desktop metaphor.
Ars recently played a brief demo of the game, and unsurprisingly, there's not much we haven't seen before.