The brief illumination revealed the faces of Bolan's enemies.
In the brief illuminations of moonlight, they appeared to be ordinary fishermen.
Many deemed that human life would be gloomier than ever, when that brief illumination should sink down.
He was grateful for it; it was an additional, brief illumination in the night darkness.
Only in the brief illumination could she see the bleak, rain-slicked: stone walls.
A flash of lightning turned the sky white, and in the brief illumination she could see a set of iron gates up ahead.
The corpse in the field had not been spotted in the brief illumination.
When you make that curious sound, a brief illumination shoots through you.
They were close enough to see, in the brief illumination, a bearded face with a pipe, a tasselled woollen cap.
At times the brief illumination of the runway lights could provide sufficient bearing for the attacking aircraft.