There's a brief intermission, after which there will be a live report from the huge premiere party.
After the brief intermission, she returned a different pianist.
When the brief intermission ended, he escorted Dorothy back to her seat.
The performance, which will last about 20 minutes, will be repeated after a brief intermission.
After a brief intermission, we are taken to 2 years later, where it is revealed that Billy was captured, tried, and executed.
The screening is to last about three and a half hours and include a brief intermission.
"She'll be back after a brief intermission", Valentine said as he took the first steps, to cheering approval.
The winners of the pie raffle are always announced during the brief intermission.
The Bent's shows generally run about 90 minutes with a brief intermission separating two halves.
In a 21-question game, there is a brief intermission after the tenth question.