In this brief montage Mamoulian tells us, wordlessly, everything the screenplay stumbles all over itself trying to prove.
A brief montage shows Nathan and his father fishing, racing go-karts, and playing Scrabble.
The film begins with a brief montage that includes an interview with U2, preparations being made by the concert crew, and reactions by anxious fans.
Holland thought they were all funny, so he created a brief montage intercutting several of the lines.
A brief montage of sorts showcases the story of Veeraiya.
And this year's festival incorporates a set of brief montages called Preludes, using a few quick, cunningly chosen film clips with a common thread.
His photograph appears in the brief montage which follows Turner's shooting.
A brief montage shows that cities all over the world have been overrun by the aliens.
Commercial breaks during the marathon included one of several brief montages saluting Mays.
A brief montage of shots showcases the story of Beera.