They sit next to each other on a pair of armchairs while Cowboy gives a brief recapitulation of what he knows.
Appointment With Death Dr. Gerard began with a brief recapitulation of the events preceding the journey to Petra.
The subject matter can be presented either through a lengthy treatment or a brief recapitulation of the story.
He paused, however, for a brief recapitulation of the more magical properties of Mars Blood, including a telling phrase about "the passionate claws of a Martian sunrise."
Following the song "In a Glass House", there is a delay then a brief recapitulation of every other track on the album.
In this dialogue Masefield offers a brief recapitulation to steady his headlong narrative and offers also a facet of the lad's character, linking the ebullience of youth to the enforced maturity of the adventure.
Their business, it turned out, was a brief and straightforward recapitulation of the conversation Jaime has had with Sshejevaalgh five days earlier... with one major difference.
How brisk was the course of events, how incessant the marching and fighting, may be shown by a brief recapitulation.
After a brief recapitulation of Christian beliefs and values, and their relevance to British politics, the Mayflower Declaration describes "six guiding principles which highlight some basic themes of Christian Democracy".
He then treated the crowd to a brief recapitulation of his old stump speech, followed by the tribute to Mr. Gore, whom he praised as a member of the Democratic Party.