His attitude changes to one of friendship, as he embraces Émile and sing a brief reprise of the title song.
In the original it follows a violently contrasting first movement, and is succeeded by a brief reprise of this music.
Towards the end of the movement, there is a brief reprise of material from the opening Requiem aeternam.
He reluctantly gave a brief reprise of his life.
To appreciate why this is different from awakening after any night's sleep requires a brief reprise of 20th century physics.
Mr. Herman has also added a brief reprise in which the crusty director allows, "I might send roses."
However there was a brief reprise during the Falklands War in 1982.
Maria holds Tony in her arms (and sings a quiet, brief reprise of "Somewhere") as he dies.
There were 47 commercials through 1993 and then a brief reprise in 1996.
Other locations making a brief reprise include: