A brief revival in the early 1920s brought the men's team back, but it was dropped again following the 1924-25 season.
The second was a brief revival in the 1820s.
Although it made a brief revival in the mid-1990s, today the aircraft is again retired.
The brief 1978-1979 revival, which aired for five months, is known to have had a Tournament as well.
The late 1960s saw a brief revival in the fortunes of the D800s.
It had a brief revival in 1989, but closed down again in 1990.
After a brief revival of the 14th century, a long twilight ensued.
It was played another 76 times between 1789 and 1795 and finally enjoyed a brief revival in 1815.
There was a brief revival of fortunes in the early 1990s.
There was also a brief revival of the event in 1996/97, but it is now discontinued.