I offer you several very brief snapshots.
A lively look at viewers' comments on World News programmes and a brief snapshot of what's coming up at the weekend.
At the end there was a disappointingly brief snapshot of the conclusion of Ashton's "Sylvia."
A later issue, however, showed a brief snapshot of Commissioner Gordon's welcome back party.
With each trip, Jaggar became increasingly concerned that his field studies were but brief, inadequate snapshots of long-term, dynamic, earth processes.
The gaps in the leaves provided Steve with a few brief snapshots of the riders as they sped by, crouched low over their horses.
This is a brief snapshot of the present situation in Nepal, and we must not remain unmoved by it.
The portal includes information under these headings, but it is of a very general nature and gives only a brief national snapshot.
In the meantime, just to whet your wanderlust, here's a brief snapshot of this idyllic Tennessee farm stay.
In the meantime, just to whet your wanderlust, here's a brief snapshot of this Brazilian beach escape.