Coulis - essentially, vegetables run through a blender - are cooked only briefly.
Freshness of food: Most meats are only briefly cooked.
These sauces are cooked in a skille,t so the pasta can be drained and briefly cooked with the sauce before serving.
Shallots and garlic should be cooked briefly, and the herbs added at the last minute.
On arrival at the restaurant, they are briefly cooked in a soy-and-chicken stock.
It is cooked just briefly, then strained, and its flavor is sharpened with a healthy splash of Scotch.
Any type of seafood that has been briefly cooked can be marinated in typical ceviche ingredients, and served, usually as an appetizer.
They are poached with their liquor in a light cream and white wine base in which the watercress is briefly cooked, too.
Blanching is simple: Foods are briefly cooked in boiling water, then submerged in a bowl of ice water to stop the cooking process.
Something like zucchini soup can be cooked just briefly, left on top of the slowly cooling stove and served warm.