He attended the University of Kansas, from which he earned a bachelor's degree, and was briefly enrolled at Southern Methodist University.
Born in 1783, William was educated at the local school, where Timothy had taught, and was briefly enrolled in Dr. Stearn's Academy on Galen Street.
Tiffany, who is asthmatic, was briefly enrolled two blocks from the hotel, but school officials said she had to attend P.S. 34, which is about a 20-minute ride.
He was briefly enrolled in the doctoral program in Sociology at the University of Toronto, but left that program due to its rigorous nature.
He was briefly enrolled in private school, until his mother decided he would attend public school.
Educated at Eton,c.1634-8, he was briefly enrolled at Christ's College, Cambridge, but between 1641 and 1646 was abroad, registering at Leyden University in 1643.
In 1900 a new school building was erected; Lyndon Baines Johnson was briefly enrolled there.
Mr. Tyler dropped out of high school, later earned his equivalency diploma, and was briefly enrolled at the Dallas Art Institute, although he rarely attended.
Dunn was enrolled briefly at the University of Pennsylvania, but left after one day to join a Vaudeville troupe.
Iris was briefly enrolled at school in London, but was largely educated at home, by Professor Solone Monti as well as a series of French and German governesses.