Britain has only one diplomat remaining in Iran since another was briefly kidnapped and beaten.
Reporters have been kidnapped briefly by drug gangs as a warning.
Adding to their concerns, seven South Korean missionaries were kidnapped and briefly detained last week.
A subsequent attack left one Muslim killed, four Christians wounded, and three monks being briefly kidnapped, requiring hospital treatment upon their return.
He was briefly kidnapped in his car in 1992, and subsequently called for greater security on the legislative grounds.
A 13-year-old girl walking home from school on Tuesday afternoon was kidnapped briefly at knifepoint, raped and robbed, the police said yesterday.
Jacob himself is briefly kidnapped by apparent government agents trying to silence him.
As a young child Schuster was briefly kidnapped.
He was briefly kidnapped upon a visit to his native Nigeria in June 2012.
He is briefly kidnapped by Franco, but Lucky finds him and brings him home.