During that time, she was briefly renamed Goliath (15 June-10 August 1869).
They were briefly renamed Taurus before settling on Necromandus after a radio show asked their audience for name suggestions.
The village was briefly renamed Heidenstein until the arrival of Soviet forces in 1944.
It was briefly renamed the Winthrop Ames Theatre in 1964.
The team was briefly renamed the Mississauga Derbys for the 1992-93 season.
In 2007, the award was briefly renamed Best Director, but it returned to its original name for the 2008 awards.
The city was briefly renamed Sukarnapura, after President Sukarno, until the end of 1968, when it acquired its present name.
In the late 1980s, the city was briefly renamed Durrës-Enver Hoxha.
The film was briefly renamed Magudam, before being changed again.
By the early 1990s, the mall was briefly renamed St. Louis Consumer Center.