The life of the president was briefly threatened by the rough conditions, though none on board the yacht suffered any problems from the hurricane.
It was briefly threatened with closure in 2009, but this threat has now receded due to local pressure.
In the second half, Liverpool only briefly threatened to score, while the visitors never really had a sustained period of pressure.
Twyla is briefly threatened by the other protesters; Roberta doesn't come to her aid.
Ross then briefly threatens to testify against Whittlesey if she refuses to help him.
Blanca was a short-lived tropical storm that briefly threatened land.
The Reds threatened only briefly in the sixth before losing 4-1, and suddenly the Series was relatively close again.
DaimlerChrysler briefly threatened to cancel its annual $24,000 donation to the opera house.
When she threatens to call for help he briefly threatens her with his revolver - but soon puts it down.