Four days after the birth, a brigade of 10 men and women came from the township to spoil the celebration.
The two brigades of the 10th Division came ashore, adding to the confusion.
It was not long before the brigade came under heavy Russian fire.
It is certain however, that the brigade came into existence because of the barrackses which was raised after the city-fire in 1916.
Advancing through Hell's Gate, the brigade came under heavy enemy fire with little or no cover.
When it is seen that my brigade has come over to you as a body, the rest will come as well.
However, conditions were more difficult than expected and the brigade came under heavy fire.
"Patton was there, but the brigade didn't come through like it usually does."
That is where the eight to ten brigades come from.
However, the brigade then came under 2 Indian Division on 1 January 1943.