They wear bright clothing, including caps and shoes with curled, pointed toes.
Far from wearing black, riders are now urged to wear bright clothing to make themselves visible on busy roads.
All of these clothes were exchanged for bright colored clothing during celebrations.
At first no one was visible, then Jordan spotted three children in bright clothing running across a lawn.
Calendars often wear bright or odd clothing to advertise themselves.
Some of them nudged a neighbor and pointed at him in his bright clothing.
"Who were the two who remained at a distance with the other troops, those in bright clothing?"
She sported a short haircut and bright clothing, which made her stand out from the other female characters on television at the time.
With her spiky hair and bright clothing, Daphne stood out from other female characters on television at the time.
Just as curious was her nearly instant reaction to the vehicle, the bright clothing the creatures wore, even the buildings.