It also owes its popularity to its bright yellow to orange belly coloring, mostly of females.
The males have longer tail feathers and brighter coloring than females.
The bright male coloring emerges then, as well as female maturity.
It is easy to tell the species apart from most other skinks by bright red coloring on their sides from which they get their name.
Most honeyguides are dull-colored, though some have bright yellow coloring in the plumage.
Some of the bright red coloring seemed to have leached from his cheeks and brow.
Working from plasticine models, she updated the designs, notably by adding a range of brighter colorings.
I feel sure, from their lesser height, their brighter coloring, and the immature development of certain members, that they all represent a new generation.
This hand-sorting was also made easier due to the bright coloring of the Netflix mailer.
Males have more pronounced throat patterns and brighter blue coloring than females.